Dealers and Repair Shops
Finally a Customized Estimating Software Program designed for the Marine and RV Repair Industry
Making estimates professional, fast, easy & accurate!
Dealers and repair shops `Running our fiberglass estimating software on their computer can fax or email a detailed repair estimate containing Estimate, Text evaluation page, measurements, options chosen, documents and pictures with comments of all repairs. (Giving the Customer, Manufacturer or Insurance company the most complete, accurate, informative and easy to read pdf available)
By reviewing attached photo's they will know that measurements, options chosen and estimate are correct.
Making it easy giving authorization for repair strictly by reviewing pdf only.
Retail estimates: use our estimate worksheet to transfer calculations to your own estimate program or take advantage of our complete electronic estimating program with adjustable labor fields, labor tax options and many other Insurance, warranty and retail features.
Even if you know fiberglass repair times you still have to think how many hours each repair will take, and how many hours to re-gel or refinish that repair. But now with the fiberglass repair estimator, the thought is already done. Estimate with confidence. It takes half the time of guessing how long each repair will take.
Complete estimating program for fiberglass and Mechanical repairs.
Reasons to buy
The only repair estimates that are customized for the fiberglass repair industry.
Insurance Companies, Manufacturers and your Customers will not question the labor and materials calculated by a software program.
However they will question guessing how long each repair will take.
Still handwriting ? Save money, entire electronic estimating program is less than the cost of written estimate forms. only $200 and 100% more professional looking
Add your own custom color logo to pdf estimate. (View or print sample estimates below)
Create a customer data base.
Edit estimates easily without having to write over.
No more calculators, program adds for you.
Used with correct variances and measurements the estimator is very accurate. However repair calculations are not fixed, they can be easily adjusted + or - based on your experience.
All working files and pdf,s are saved for future reference.
Used and recommended by many professional fiberglass repair shops (please call for list)
Most user friendly software available.
Estimator is accurate on all types of repairs including Fiberglass, SMC, Filon and Epoxy. Also an estimating page for straightening aluminum and sheet metal.
Start using today
Try program free for 30 days no information required, downloading program
(Letter from one of many repair shops)
fromTruman Fiberglass Repair <>
toSteven Schnettler <>,
subjectRe: Fiberglass Repair Estimator
Hello Steve,
We are having great response also from "ALL of the insurance adjusters, marine surveyors," and a very positive response from our walk in clients. After 22 years of writing each estimate by hand, I would say that your estimating program has given us a more professional appearence, and has made estimating much easier by far. Lets get ready for the 21st century, and I would recommend the program anytime!
Thank you for a wonderful product, and I also wanted to thank you for your courteous and unfaultering support learning the system.
Paula Stonecipher Partner
Truman Fiberglass Repair LLC
To read what other surveyors and adjusters are saying click on letters of endorsement
Mechanical and Fiberglass Repair
Sample Repair Shop PDF's
View sample (estimate 1)
View sample (estimate 2)
Estimate with text evaluation page, pictures with comments, measurements and options chosen for each repair all as one pdf.
(Giving the Customer, Manufacturer or insurance company the most complete, accurate, informative and easy to read pdf available)