Estimating Pages
Many options to save and access information
Just click what you want to estimate, highlight SQ FT entry field and Press F5 for an easy to use square foot calculator. To calculate labor hours and material cost. If unsure click on explanation in any area to guide you through each step until you are familiar with program.
Informative program with questionable claims pages and terminology. Easy to use format. Setup company and customer info and you are ready to use.
Several repair seletions.
One of several estimating pages all with three variances and multiple options for each. Other estimating repair pages include; Surface Damage, Laminating Inside, Sand and Buff, Gel Coat, non skid, Paint, Stripes, Hardware and Bottom painting.
Easily calculate labor and material to refinish any size area, options for color match, clear coat and sand & buff.
Several Gel Coat Seclections