Insurance Adjusters / Surveyors
Dear Insurance Professional
The Fiberglass Repair Estimator is a new solution for Insurance claims, that will save you time and money !!
Now everyone is on the same page with the same standards and guidelines to follow. Until now there was no crash book for fiberglass repair. Unlike cars, boats have no body panels to R&R and no estimated times to replace and refinish on a certain make and model. Fiberglass repair consist of total reconstruction of the damaged area, and every repair area differs, with stress cracks, delamination and internal damage. Just click what you want to estimate, add measurements and fill out entry screen to calculate labor hours and material cost of any repair and produce accurate, professional estimates in half the time. Save, print or email PDF containing Estimate, fixed informational pages, Text evaluation page, measurements, options chosen, documents and pictures with comments of all repairs. (Giving the Customer, Insurance Company and Repair Shop the most complete, accurate, informative and easy to read pdf available) (View or print sample pdf estimates below)
Insurance CompaniesAgents, Adjusters, Appraisers, and Surveyors can use our fiberglass estimating software to justify and compare other written estimates. Save all repair labor and materials to one worksheet for easy transfer to your own estimate program. Or use our electronic estimating software featuring all information required by Insurance Companies including betterment, adjustable labor rates for all fields, photo's with comments, measurements and options chosen for each repair just to name a few. Informative program, learn fiberglass repair, gel coating, painting and terminology in minutes. Save thousands on overestimated and false non-insurance claims with our questionable claims definitions.
Save thousands of dollars on one claim!Estimating
With program based on over 15,000 repair estimates from many repair facilities, feel confident that used with correct variances and measurements the estimated repairs hours are accurate.Adjusting EstimatesAfter comparison and determination that repair shop estimate is fair, easily edit yours to match in seconds on our estimate editing page
After comparison and determination that repair shop estimate is far from accurate, and repair shop cannot justify differences, then negotiate repair labor based on your calculations.
Estimator is accurate on all types of repairs including Fiberglass, Smc, Filon, Epoxy and Aluminum.
Even if you know fiberglass repair times you still have to think how many hours each repair will take, and how many hours to re-gel or refinish that repair. But now with the fiberglass repair estimator, the thought is already done.
This is the latest and most complete special lines estimating software available. And worth having just as a reference tool to calculate labor and materials of any repair. Or take advantage of the entire estimating program.
(Start using today)
Try program free for 30 days no information required , downloading program
( one of many letters of endorsement )
Click to view letter
Robert P. Stefanowicz, AMS #783
Susquehanna Marine Surveys
1404 Montfort Drive, Harrisburg, Pa. 17110-3015
I would like to thank you for developing such a user friendly product. I have worked in repair shops since 1975 and have seen and used many repair order programs. However, none of them were easy to use and still depended on the user’s experience to determine how long a fiberglass repair may take to complete. Your product does provide accurate repair times based on the square foot method.
I personally have used a square foot method when previously determining repair costs as well as teaching the system to other surveyors that perform catastrophic damage claim work with a CAT team of which I am also a member. Based on my use of your program I find that your calculations were very close, if not right on, to my own. I just don’t have to do the math now, your program does that for me. This in turn saves my clients and I, valuable office time and the resulting costs.
You program now allows our team members to estimate with ease and confidence as well as providing consistent estimate values across the board.
I have and will continue to recommend your product to area repair shops and business associates.
To read what other surveyors and adjusters are saying click on letters of endorsement